Chapter 9: Breeding Animosity
Page 250: young boys die off at levels nearly 30 percent greater: World Health Organization Statistics, Infant
Mortality, USA
250: make up three-quarters of our alcoholics: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
250: get arrested for drug violations about twenty times more: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Compendium
of Federal Justice Statistics, 2003
250: men are much more likely to engage in . . . high-risk behavior . . . see their doctor less than half the
time . . . one in four men doesn't have a doctor: David R. Williams (2003). The Health of Men: Structured
Inequalities and Opportunities, American Journal of Public Health. May; 93(5): 724–731.
250: Men die in accidents nearly three times as often: National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2005-2006
251: Men succumb in greater numbers to all of the nation's fifteen leading causes of death . . . live shorter
lives: National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2002, Hyattsville, Md: Dept of Health and
Human Services; 2002.
251: Doctors take women's complaints as seriously . . . medical complaints by women usually get more
attention: What Doctors of Both Sexes Think of Patients of Both Sexes, by Abigail Zuger, The New York Times,
251: sex-specific funding favors female's ailments . . . breast cancer gets five times as much . . . three
times the number of clinical trials: National Institute of Health, Estimates of Funding for Various Diseases,
Conditions, Research Areas
252: coronary problems before 65 affect men three times more often . . . at age 65, there are just 77
American men: Health, United States, 2001, With Urban and Rural Health Chartbook. Washington, DC:
National Center for Health Statistics; 2001.
252: twice as much on women's health as we do on men's: NIH Advisory Committee on Women's Health
Issues: NIH Support for Research on Women's and Men's Health Issues, Fiscal Years 1988, 1989, and 1990.
NIH Publication No. 92-3456.
252: Post-traumatic stress disorder claims nearly a third of men directly exposed to combat: Combat
Trauma and the Diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Female and Male Veterans, by Angela Pereira,
Military Medicine, Jan 2002.
252: more than 200,000 male veterans were in prison or otherwise within the criminal justice system:
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report: Veterans in Prison or Jail 2000, by C. Mumola
252: Suicide has claimed many: Suicide Wall by Alexander Paul, PakDonald Publishing, 1996.
253: Since 1980, the average worker's pay has barely inched up . . . while among the top 10% percent of
employed men, it has risen: Class Matters, by New York Times and Bill Keller, Times Books, 2005.
253: manufacturing and its male heavy jobs had almost halved by 2000: Congressional Budget Office,
What Accounts for the Decline in Manufacturing Employment?
253: real increases in buying power have been achieved only in upper management: The Rich Get Richer,
by James Lardner, U.S. News and World Report, 02/21/00.
254: between 7 and 10 years in the 1980's to barely 4 years today . . . typical boss earned about forty
times . . . gap had stretched out to 419 times: A Decade of Executive Success, The Institute for Policy Studies,
United for a Fair Economy.
254: between 1979 and 1997, average pretax income for the top 20% of Americans rose . . . the bottom
20% saw its income fall: Corporate Wealth Share Rises for Top-Income Americans, by David Cay Johnston,
New York Times, 01/29/06.
254: median family income rose by 18% . . . the top 1% increased by 200% . . . more than 1 in 8 Americans
now live below the official poverty line: Peter Gottschalk and Sheldon Danziger (2005). Inequality of
Wage Rates, Earnings, and Family Income in the United States, 1975–2002. Review of Income and Wealth. Vol.
51 (2): 231-254.
254: the wealthiest 1% of Americans had as many after-tax dollars . . . by the end of the century, the
richest 1%, with nearly 40% of the countries riches: U.S. Income Gap Widening, Study Says, by Lynnley
Browning, 09/25/03.
256: less than a third of women tell pollsters that a female presidential ticket is important: Glamour
259: By the time a single woman crosses her mid-thirties, matrimonial possibilities and the option of
raising children: The State of Our Unions: The Social Health of Marriage in America, June 2000, The National
Marriage Project, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
259: many “have-it-all” mothers wind up feeling deeply constricted: The Case for Staying Home, by
Claudia Wallis, Time, 03/22/04.
259: in married households where wives are working, men's contributions around the house: Sayer,
L.C. 2005. “Gender, Time, and Inequality: Trends in Women's and Men's Paid Work, Unpaid Work, and Free
Time.” Social Forces 84: 285-303.
259: working wives still put in more than double their husbands contribution: Bureau of Labor Statistics:
American Time Use Survey, 2004
259: women are twice as involved in their children's schools: A Call to Commitment: Fathers' Involvement
in Children's Learning, June 2000
259: working women get an hour less sleep each night: Study Confirms It: Women Outjuggle Men, by
Edmund Andrews, The New York Times, 09/15/04.
259: stay home with sick kids four times as often: The Sacrificial Mother by Carin Rubenstein, Hyperion
259: when it comes to one-on-one face time with a parent: Bureau of Labor Statistics: American Time Use
Survey, 2004
261: the mortality spread between men and women: United States Life Tables, National Vital Statistics
Reports, by Elizabeth Arias (Vol. 54 (14). 04/19/06.
261: In 1987 lung cancer had surpassed breast cancer: Office of the Surgeon General, Women and Smoking: A
Report of the Surgeon General, March 2001
263: more than 4 million porn sites . . . generate revenues exceeding $12 billion: Internet Filter Review—Top
Ten Reviews, Internet Pornography Statistics. Retrieved 06/08/05.
265: a quarter of women and 7% of men, including gay men, say they have been raped: Extent, Nature,
and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence, National Institute of Justice/Centers for Disease Control
265: 1 in 5 girls will be physically or sexually abused: Jay G. Silverman et. al. (2001). “Dating Violence Against
Adolescent Girls and Associated Substance Use, Unhealthy Weight Control, Sexual Risk Behavior, Pregnancy,
and Suicidality.” 286(5) JAMA 572, 576-577.
265: 1 in 10 American women will be stalked: Stalking in America: Findings From the National Violence
Against Women Survey, U.S. Dept. of Justice/Centers for Disease Control by Patricia Tjaden and Nancy
Thoennes; April 1998.