Introduction    2     3    4    6    7    8    9
Chapter 8: The Disposable Male

Page 190: boys are more at risk, dying off at a rate nearly 30% greater: World Health Organization Statistics, Infant Mortality, USA

190: boys manage to poison themselves: M. Lai, et. al. (2005) Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers' National Poisoning and Exposure Database

190: suffer from all kinds of developmental disturbances: The Wonder of Boys by Michael Gurian, Tarcher, 2006.

190: diagnosed as emotionally disturbed at four times: What Little Boys Are Made Of; Send them to special ed . . . especially if they're black. By Philip Dawdy, 08/21/02. Seattle Weekly, August 21, 2002

190: Boys get hurt, killed, and commit suicide much more often: Helping America's Youth: Facts and Information, Increased Risk Factors for Boys

190: at kindergarten, girls are well ahead developmentally . . . and that boys enter a particularly difficult transition: Boys Will Be Boys, by Barbara Kantrowitz and Claudia Kalb, Newsweek, 05/11/98.

190: boys pull away from their mothers much sooner: The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together (The Family and Public Policy) by Eleanor E. Maccoby, Belknap Press (1999).

190: girls do not feel the need to disengage: C. Geuzaine, M. Debry, and V. Liesens (2000) Separation from Parents in Late Adolescence: The Same for Boys and Girls? Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Vol. 29, No. 1.

191: female teachers . . . make up 70 to 85% of staff: National Center for Education Statistics, Selected characteristics of public school teachers: Selected years, spring 1961 through spring 2001

191: single sex schools generally improve girls' academic performance . . . reinforce their sense of selfworth . . . enhance their future ability to relate to males: The National Coalition of Girls' Schools: Alumnae Survey (Conducted by Goodman Research Group Inc.)

191: just a handful of same-sex schools among the 93,000 coed public schools: Federal Rules Back Single- Sex Public Education, by Diana Jean Schemo, 10/25/06.

191-92: 95% of primary and secondary schools have the young sexes sharing the same classroom: National Center for Education Statistics, Private School Universe Survey: 1999–2000, S. Broughman & L. Colaciello, Statistical Analysis Report August 2001

192: Boys favor visual processing . . . do not have the hand-motor control: Boys and Girls Learn Differently! A Guide for Teachers and Parents by Michael Gurian, Jossey-Bass, 2002.

192: Girls read faster . . . control their emotions better: Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson, Ballantine (2000).

192: Department of Education guides actually encourage unisex doll play: Gender Equity for Educators, Parents and Community, U.S. Department of Education.

193: ADHD . . . diagnosed in boys 3 to 10 times the rate . . . one in five Caucasian school boys spends time on Ritalin: G B LeFever, K V Dawson, and A L Morrow (1999) The extent of drug therapy for attention deficithyperactivity disorder among children in public schools. American Journal of Public Health. 89(9): 1359–1364.

193: Boys compose two-thirds of the “learning disabled:” 25th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Vol. 1 (2003) Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education

193: and 80% of drop-outs: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Civic Report: No. 48, April 2006. Leaving Boys Behind: Public High School Graduation Rates, by Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters

193: Boys grow up to consume more alcohol and drugs . . . engage in much more risky and violent behavior . . . are on the receiving end of aggression two to three times as often . . . account for four out of five juvenile court crimes . . . commit suicide at five times the female rate: Helping America's Youth: Facts and Information, Increased Risk Factors for Boys

193: boys and girls report that teachers favor girls in class; teachers discipline boys much more often . . . compliment them a fraction of the time: The MetLife Survey: The American Teacher, An Examination of School Leadership A Survey of Teachers, Principals, Parents and Students

193-94: boys are now testing, on average, well below girls: National Center for Education Statistics

194: Boys drop out of school at two to four times the female rate: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Civic Report: No. 48 April 2006. Leaving Boys Behind: Public High School Graduation Rates, by Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters

194: are held back a grade much more often then girls: The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers, Simon & Schuster (2001).

194: Male high school seniors . . . barely ahead of eighth grade girls: National Center for Education Statistics

194: Boys outnumber females in remedial classes: Education Sector; The Truth About Boys and Girls, by Sara Mead, June 2006

194: girls are a significant majority in almost all advanced placement courses: Report shows academic gap between girls, boys, by Alaina Sue Potrikus, Knight Ridder Newspapers, 09/19/03.

194: boys still make up the top performers in several math and science subjects, they are also thick as thieves at the bottom . . . girls substantially outnumber boys in honor societies . . . in student government . . . debating societies . . . among school journalists: The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers, Simon & Schuster (2001).

195: study of 20 textbooks by the Council on Families: Norval D. Glenn (1997) A Critique of Twenty Family and Marriage and the Family Textbooks, Family Relations, Vol. 46, No. 3: 197-208.

195-96: sex education is being ignored entirely: The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, February 2001, Volume 4, Number 1, Sex Education: Politicians, Parents, Teachers and Teens.

196: A mid-1980's report by the U.S. Department of Education, “A Nation at Risk:”

196-97: more than half of its entering first-year students require remedial assistance . . . barely a third of students will have been required to take a single high school course in the natural sciences: Legislative Analyst's Office, February 8, 2001, Improving Academic Preparation For Higher Education

197: only a quarter of high school seniors were considered sufficiently versed in civics: NAEP 1998, National Center for Education Statistics: Civics

197: America's high school seniors ranked near the bottom in math and science: National Center for Education Statistics Math Science: http://nces.

197: fewer than one in four of the 1.2 million students . . . met college-readiness benchmarks . . . barely a quarter of incoming freshman are deemed prepared: Many Going to College Are Not Ready; report by Tamar Lewin, Published: 08/17/05.

197: study has the U.S. in the middle of 37 industrialized nations: U.S. Department of Education: NCES 2006, U.S. Student and Adult Performance on International Assessments of Educational Achievement

197: Women now make up 57% of first year college entrants: National Center for Education Statistics

197: Women comprise well over half the student body in every higher educational category: National Center for Education Statistics

197: Except for science and engineering, women are a visible majority: Where The Boys Aren't, by Brendan Koerner, U.S. News and World Report, 02/08/99.

197: For every one hundred diplomas conferred on men: National Center for Education Statistics

197: The divide is even higher for some minorities: National Center for Education Statistics

197: more black men in prison than in college: Justice Policy Institute: Cellblocks or Classrooms? The Funding of Higher Education and Corrections and Its Impact on African American Men

197: by around 2010, college women are expected to exceed men: Where the Boys Aren't, by Brendan Koerner, U.S. News and World Report, 02/08/99.

202: youthful male participation in organized sports: Laura Langbein, & Roseana Bess (2002) Sports in School: Source of Amity or Antipathy? Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 83 (2): 436–454.

202: A disproportionately large percentage of imprisoned men did not participate in athletics: Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps by Allan and Barbara Pease, Broadway (2001).

202: while men go for competition and stats, women seek to know more about the athletes' lives: Insight Magazine, August 3, 1998 (Out of print.) Quote attributed to Ellen Zavian, Sports attorney and columnist.

204: female-only colleges regularly report that just 10 to 15% of their students play sports: Independent Women's Forum, Title IX Athletics, June 2000: p32.

205: more than 200 male NCAA teams were cut: Title IX from Outer Space: How Federal Law Is Killing Men's College Sports, by Walter Olson, Reason, February 1998.

206: women suffer knee injuries and stress fractures: Women's Health in Sports and Exercise, by William E. Garrett, et. al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (2001).

207: attendance averages less than eight thousand:

207: payroll for 200 women in the WNBA: Alive, If Not Kicking, by Michelle Smith, The San Francisco Chronicle, 05/29/01.

216: women accounted for 5% of the 2 million Americans: The Disciplines of War, Persons at Arms, The Economist, 06/14/97.

217: Military personnel statistics: Who They Are, Time, 12/29/03.

217: military women are injured twice as often . . . are out of commission five times as long: Exercise-Related Injuries Among Women: Strategies for Prevention from Civilian and Military Studies, CDC's: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (March 31, 2000), Julie Gilchrist, M.D., Bruce H. Jones, M.D., M.P.H., David A. Sleet, Ph.D., C. Dexter Kimsey, Ph.D., M.S.E.H.

218: a third of female colonels in the army suffer chronic orthopedic problems: Jones BH, Knapik JJ. (1999) Physical Training and Exercise-related Injuries: Surveillance, Research, and Injury Prevention in Military Populations. Sports Medicine; 27: 111-25.

218: eating disorders among military women: Lauder, T. et. al. (1999) Abnormal eating behaviors in military women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Vol. 31 (9): 1265-71.

220: between half and three-quarters of military women report some form of sexual harassment: Abuse in Army 'Not That Unusual': Sexual Misconduct by Trainers Long-Standing Problem for Military, by Dana Priest, Washington Post, 11/21/96.

220: more than 20% do every year: Department of Defense reports of Sexual Harassment complaints

220: In Afghanistan and Iraq many female soldiers have been attacked: The Private War of Women Soldiers, by Helen Benedict

220: two-thirds of junior male noncommissioned officers and more than half of their female counterparts did not believe: The Center for Strategic and International Studies, American Military Culture in the 21st Century, January 2000.

221: at times, more than a fifth of the women on ship duty: At War over Women, by John Barry and Evan Thomas, Newsweek, May12, 1997. Reducing Unplanned Pregnancy Rates, Evaluation of the CHOICES Program, Naval Hospital, Sigonella, Italy (2001)

228: more than four out of five American jobs are service oriented: Securing America's Future: The Case for a Strong Manufacturing Base, by Joel Popkin, National Association of Manufacturers, June 2003.

228-29: American business trimmed 3 million middle-management positions: Silent Depression: The Fate of the American Dream by Wallace C. Peterson, W. W. Norton & Company (1995).

229: Among men who do not have a college degree—nearly 75% of working males: The Future of Success by Robert Reich, Vintage Books (2002).

229: disposable income has actually trailed off: Silent Depression: The Fate of the American Dream by Wallace C. Peterson, W. W. Norton & Company (1995).

229: A third of young employed men take home less pay: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1999.

229: Young men overwhelmingly favor technical jobs and large majorities of women apply for service and healthcare employment: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Women in the Labor Force: A Databook (2006)

230: Half of entering medical students are now women: American Association of Medical Colleges

230: visits with female doctors also last longer: What Doctors of Both Sexes Think of Patients of Both Sexes, by Abigail Zuger, The New York Times, 06/21/98.

231: Women overwhelmingly report that they want a relationship . . . men mostly treat visits like a car repair job: Women Looking for Caring Doctors, Men Want Treatment, by Reuters. The New York Times, 02/27/01.

232: 90% of workers in the nation's ten most dangerous professions are men . . . each year, nearly 2.5 million American workers are seriously afflicted . . . with a job-related disease . . . 60,000 of them are permanently disabled . . . and more than 5000 die at work (CDC) . . . at 55% of the workforce, men account for 93% of job mortalities: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Worker Health Chartbook, 2004

232: Nearly a third of our romances develop at work . . . between five and ten million romantic liaisons grow out of on-the-job contacts . . . a third are believed to develop into longer-term relationships: The Office Romance: Playing With Fire Without Getting Burned by Dennis M. Powers, Amacon, 1998.

234: sexual harassment case in San Francisco: Georgia Trial Lawyers Association

234: nearly 80% of working women acknowledge the likelihood of false charges: Groping Toward Sanity: Why the Clinton Sex Scandals Are Changing the Way We Talk About Sexual Harassment, by Cathy Young, Reason; August/September 1998.

235: More than one in ten women has consensual sex . . . almost two-thirds said that the affair advanced their career: Survey: Women Believe Putting Out Equals Moving Up, by Elizabeth Cohen, New York Post, 03/05/98.

238: more than $20 billion is spent annually on “adult” videos . . . more than $10 billion on escort services: Internet Filter Review—Top Ten Reviews, Internet Pornography Statistics. Retrieved 06/08/05.

238: Adult Video News reports 11,000 new porn titles in 2000: Naked Capitalists, by Frank Rich, The New York Times Magazine, 05/20/01.

238: people who rent porn videos: Adult Video News; taken from Insight Magazine, 01/08/01.

238: a quarter of the Web-connected population checks out porn sites at home . . . one in six do at the office: Top Ten Reviews—Internet Filter Review, Internet Pornography Statistics; retrieved 06/08/05.

240: Men account for 95% of all sexual psychiatric disorders: Making Sense of Sex: How Genes And Gender Influence Our Relationships by David P. Barash and Judith Eve Lipton, Island Press (1997).