Introduction : The Big Picture
Page ix: Barely one in three American women held a paying job in 1950; almost three quarters do now: Bureau
of Labor Statistics,
ix: two-thirds of women with children under six hold down a job compared to less than 20% half a
century ago: U.S. Census Bureau, Labor Force, Employment and Earnings,
x: young adults of both sexes now experience unprecedented confusion around gender roles and mating
behavior: The State of Our Unions, National Marriage Project, Rutgers University, 2000.
x: A substantial majority of Americans believe the family is in decline: The Decline of Families Tops List
of Voter Worries, by Matt Daniels, Insight on the News, Sept 25, 2000.
x: polls regularly support the notion that American society is abrasive and selfish: Aggravating
Circumstances, Public Agenda, January 2002:
x: Reports of anxiousness and depression in the general population reached epidemic levels even
before 9/11: Mark Olfson et. al. (2000). Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Use Disorders in
an Urban General Medicine Practice. Archives of Family Medicine. Vol. 9: 876-883.
x: the ordinary citizen earns nearly three times the income of his or her counterpart at the end of
WWII . . . lives in more than twice the household space . . . levels of clinical depression are . . . three
to ten times greater in just two generations: The Real Truth About Money, by Gregg Easterbrook, Time,
xi: everyday levels of anxiety among children aged nine to seventeen as exceeding
the scores of psychiatric patients: Twenge, J. M. (2000) The age of anxiety? The birth cohort
change in anxiety and neuroticism, 1952-1993. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 79(6):
xvi: more than half of all Americans and three quarter Western Europeans accept the general idea that
humans have evolved: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Public
Attitudes Toward and Understanding of Science and Technology (2001).