Michael Gilbert was born and raised in Montreal, where he attended Concordia University and concluded his formal education with a graduate degree at Harvard. His multi-faceted career included positions as a university lecturer, a research analyst and investment consultant, real estate executive and independent film producer.
Along the way, Michael pursued an abiding personal interest in the social and gender philosophies that first emerged, to much notoriety, in the 1960s and 1970s, perspectives that continue to impact our lives and generate lively debate. Determined to sort out these crucial matters for himself and his family, he continued to explore the anthropological and natural history of human behavior, immersing himself in writings about sociobiology and the vibrant young field of evolutionary psychology. He then turned to writing The Disposable Male, the culmination of his research and ruminations on sex roles, work and family life.
In 2005, as he was preparing the book for publication, Michael was appointed a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Digital Future, a research and policy institute of the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California. Researchers at the Center track the ways in which digital technologies, the Internet and virtual communities are changing the social, political and economic fabric of our lives. The Center undertakes domestic and international research on how people use emerging technologies, the World Wide Web and the media, organizes conferences, provides specialized briefings to a wide range of leaders in government, industry, trade and civic groups, and manages USC Annenberg's ground-breaking program devoted to online communities and social networking.
Michael's work at the Center is focused on the impact of the Internet on gender and family issues. Author of articles on a variety of topics, he has been featured on national television as a guest analyst, most recently on Fox News and MSNBC, as well as the op-ed pages of Newsday and The Christian Science Monitor. He is a member of the Advisory Boards of the Foundation for Male Studies, the Electronic Music Alliance and c3VisionLab, the Global Arts and Media Node of The Millennium Project.
Michael Gilbert speaks regularly to groups interested in gender and technology issues, and consults on related communication strategies. Michael lives in Southern California. An avid reader, he enjoys museums, concerts and the theatre, and vigorous conversation with friends. He loves to play tennis, travel and explore our great philosophical, spiritual and mystical traditions.